A Son In The Sun


I recently willingly sat for a sun tan. Not because I needed to get darker, but because my son needed me to sit in the sun. 

Now when I say needed, it was not that he was doing a school project or in any physical need per-se. My son is a budding cricketer, he was being affected by some off the field issues and it was affecting his game. Two days before the game we had a few man to man heart to heart conversations. 

The conversations didn’t surround wallowing in pity, hell no! Instead I pointed out that the things off the field are beyond his control and to focus on the things that he can control. His thoughts, his feelings, his actions.

Having had my own struggles, I knew what it is like fighting off feelings of self-pity and it really is not easy. It’s ok to cry, scream and release the tension in some healthy physical way, pray. Do whatever is needed to get the negative feelings and toxins out of your headspace and body. 

Then go back and face the world again. We were designed so wonderfully that our bodies naturally detoxify when we sweat, exhale, and use the toilet. The same goes for our emotional, mental and spiritual selves. 

The video above was the result. I sat in the sun for his innings and cheered every dot ball, every single, and every boundary. 

So my tan was worth it, I got to see my son break his cycle of low scores but more so, develop some character to fight. 

Who are you cheering today?

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